Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bad news, good news.

4 days left!

New updates!

First of all, I have some bad news. Jim Arnott will not be attending the event, BUT other members of the sheriff department are going to be there.

But now for the good news: so far, our chapter has raised approximately $1,710 in donations for Up Til Dawn! That is amazing! Some of those donations will be for the pancake breakfast and decorations, but most of it will be prizes for people who come & participate! So, now there's even more incentive for you to come!

Only 4 more days guys!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh so soon!

9 days left!

So, as you can see, the event is coming up SOON. I hope you guys are actually planning on really will be a good time. Trust me, I wouldn't lie to you. I'll remind y'all in class next week, but you can always check up on the event here. 

Also, this has yet to be confirmed, but I Jim Arnott MAY be coming to participate in the pie-in-the-face, so that should be a good fundraiser:) I will say no more about that, but if nothing else, that should be some incentive to come! They're still working on the details, but he sounded interested.

I hope everyone's having a good spring break and save a little money so you can donate some to a good cause! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Coming Soon...

16 days left!

The event's coming up soon!! April 2 is only 2 weeks & 2 days away!

We're gathering the items up for the event since we're getting closer and closer to the event. Tri Delta Meagan Harmon's parents will be providing the pancake supplies, so a big thanks to them!

Tickets will be sold at the door the night of the event, but t-shirts and tickets will be on sale that whole week. Here's how the breakdown of sales goes:
$3 to get in
$2 for pancake breakfast
= $5 together
$7 for entry fee, pancake breakfast, & t-shirt.

The festivities will begin at 8:00 p.m and will last until midnight. All booths are friendly for any age, and the casino area should keep the adults entertained. Please come support our cause, it should be a lot of fun and St. Jude could really use the money!

If you'd like to donate to the event, contact Karli Courtney at 816.674.7072.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ante Up!

28 days left!

Today's post is going to be a short one...I'm scared I'm going to run out of info. SO. I thought I'd fill you in on our Up Til' Dawn event.

Up until this point, most of my info has been national news. But this is where it gets local: Our chapter of Delta Delta Delta is going to host Up Til' Dawn at Drury! I told you a little about what the event was in an earlier entry, but it gets better.

This is the first year Drury will be hosting Up Til' Dawn, but it's going to be a pretty big event. I had my first meeting the other day about it, and I'm pumped!! It'll be held in the Weiser and Mabee gyms on campus. We're going to have a casino area, complete with roulette, poker, blackjack, and darts. Money won't be gambled, since that's against the law, obviously...but it'll still be fun.

In the other area, there are going to be various booths, including a pie-in-the-face where Drury faculty members will have...well, pies thrown in their faces. Should be pretty fun.

We'll also have our annual Pancake Breakfast, where you can have some late-night flapjacks. All the money made at the door will go to St. Jude. There will also be donations accepted inside the gyms, as well.

More info to come, but this is just a little heads up on the event. It'll all go down on April 2, later in the evening. Get excited!!