Thursday, April 30, 2009

More piccies, because everyone loves visual stimulation.

Some Sigma Nus play poker with some Tri Deltas ladies.

Lauren Ormsby deals some KAs in.
Dr. Taylor taking one in the face from Sarah Montgomery.

Karli Courtney's cousin & uncle spoke. Her cousin was a St. Jude patient.
Kristen Keith, Natalie Bickel, Alisha Hill, and Ali Sierocki man the Pancake Breakfast station

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A few photos

Dr. Petrich getting "pied."

Our first guest speaker.Listening to the guest speakers.

Tri Delta Karli Courtney's cousins, Carson & Megan (also a St. Jude patient), play in the Bop-It Boxing Ring.
Dr. John Taylor getting "pied."

Some KAs fight for a cure.

Dr. Taylor was a good sport:)

Tri Deltas Sarah Milholen, Lauren Saunders, and Rachel Smith work the front booth.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New focus!

I'm not gonna lie, I've been SUPER busy this last week, so I haven't really had time to think of a new focus for my blog. I'm kind of looking forward to Matt's suggestion of a weekly focus--I think that would help! :D I have some ideas, I just don't want to bore you with facts.

So, here are some random little facts to keep you entertained until I come up with something good:

  • I still don't have pictures yet from the event, but I'll post them as soon as I get them. Dan, my coworker, actually tivo-ed the KSPR news report of the event and gave it to me, but I don't know how to put it on a blog. It was pretty cool, they reported the weather in front of our pie-in-the-face booth. Apparently, after he was reporting (but still on air), someone threw a pie that didn't even make it close to the victim's face. The news reporter shook his head and walked off camera!
  • I googled St. Jude infographics to see if they had anything cool....they didn't. I found some info about Enron & owners of Big Oil. Not sure what that had to do with the Research Hospital.
  • In our Graphic Design class, one of my sisters made a billboard for St. Jude (we had to design a billboard for an organization). I don't have her file, sadly, but it turned out to be pretty cool. Maybe I'll have her email it to me.
That's all I've got this week. Sorry it wasn't too involved, folks. Next week will be better!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We fought the yawn!

-4 days since UTD

Up Til' Dawn was a total success! Between our letter writing campaign and Up Til Dawn event, our chapter raised over $12,000 for St. Jude!! That's a huge amount for such a small chapter, & we're super proud.

This was our first year putting on Up Til Dawn, and now we have everything thought out. For example, next year, girls working the pie-in-the-face booth will be wearing t-shirts and old jeans...not $100 dresses...we didn't anticipate having pie fly out of the pan and onto our bods. Also, we'll bring more towels for the volunteers to clean up with. We'll definitely need more whipped cream next year if Petrich volunteers again--his classes are REALLY hard, and he also gave extra credit to students who threw a pie in his face. He raised probably half of the $82 just from the pie booth!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by and/or donated. We're so honored to present St. Jude with all that money!!