Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From 4 in 100 to 80%

Today's subject is going to be a little more somber.

Obviously, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is what it sounds like: a hospital that treats and finds cures for children with "catastrophic diseases" and critical health problems. Since it was first established, the hospital focused mainly on acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or ALL. When the hospital first started out, the cure rate was about 4 in 100 children. Thanks to the hospital's efforts, according to St. Jude, the current cure rate for ALL is 80 percent.

How amazing is that? Really. Thanks to this hospital, HUGE strides have been made in cancer research, and issue that is really, really dear to my heart.

Here's a list of medical conditions that are treated and/or cured at St. Jude.

Once again, if you want to donate, see earlier entries.


  1. I find your post to be actually quite uplifting, Kellie! How wonderful that they've reached the 80% mark - wow! That is truly a cause to champion.

  2. Wow! What a list of medical conditions that they treat. That is so encouraging that they are doing so much. I want to help you!

  3. I am so impressed with St. Jude and Kellie - I love what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

  4. This is great! Definatly appreciative of this..keep me informed on what I can get involved in!!
