Monday, February 16, 2009

We have a date!


So I have some details for you all! As of now, the Delta Kappa chapter of Delta Delta Delta will have their Up Til' Dawn event on April 2, 2009. Get ready to fight the yawn!

JUST so you know, here's a little more about Up Til' Dawn. It's a student-led and run philanthropic organization hosted by universities nationwide. After days of fundraising, members of the surrounding community get together and raise awareness for St. Jude. Together, they stay up late at night to honor children who have given up countless nights fighting cancer.

Someone mentioned this, and I thought it was a great idea. If you're interested in donating to St. Jude Children's Hospital directly, here's a link to the official Web site. There are lots of different ways to give: one single time, monthly, over the phone, through mail, or email. You can pick the payment that best fits you.

If you want to get something out of donating, other than the awesome feeling you'll feel deep down, they also have merchandise you can purchase. Our chapter bought St. Jude Christmas cards last semester to give out to organizations on campus. This not only benefits St. Jude financially, but it spreads the word to the recipient of the card. I would know, because I've received cards from other organizations, like Unicef. I always take a double take at the card, and it means a lot more than just a Hallmark card.

Okay, one last thing: Here's a link to the St. Jude facebook group for those of you facebook junkies!

I'll definitely keep you all updated on the Up Til' Dawn event, but I don't want to give you info that's subject to change, just so you don't get confused. Keep checking in for more information, though!!


  1. Great information! St. Jude definitely does some great things, and I'm so glad you're going to keep us updated. I'm already getting excited for Up Til' Dawn!

  2. Move over Marlo Thomas -- we have a new spokesmodel! You could use your strong upper arms to just push her out if she won't leave voluntarily.

  3. Good job - I'm so impressed with the work of St. Jude and now you guys too...
